
Portrait of the Monk Zhongfeng Mingben, 14th century
Yuan dynasty (1271–1368)
Hanging scroll; ink and light color on silk; Image: 48 5/8 x 20 3/16 in. (123.5 x 51.3 cm)
Lent by Shôkoku-ji, Jishô-in

Easily identified by his rounded face and slightly sagging eyes, Zhongfeng Mingben (1263–1323) was one of the most important monks and teachers in China during the fourteenth century. In this portrait, he sits in meditation on an elegant piece of cloth (possibly a carpet) with his shoes placed on a smaller rock in front of him. He wears traditional monastic robes with flowing hems typical of the fourteenth century. The towering pine and delicate bamboo in the background follow the ink-painting conventions associated with the Chinese literati. The landscape is typical of the Yuan dynasty, when such monochromatic backgrounds were first used for the portraits of Buddhist monks.

天目中峰禅师。讳明本。号幻住。幻庵。中峰等。杭之钱塘人。俗姓孙。母李氏。梦无门开道者。打灯笼。至其家。翌日遂生。师神仪挺异。具大人相。才离襁褓。便跏趺坐。能言便歌赞梵呗。凡嬉戏。必为佛事。九岁丧母,年十五。决志出家。遇僧招师。往参天目高峰和尚。峰孤峻严冷。不假人辞色。一见欢然。欲为祝发。师以父命未许。至年二十四。从高峰剃染。曾燃臂礼佛,誓持五戒。日诵《法华》、《圆觉》、《金刚》等经。于狮子院授具。明年观流泉有省。诣峰求证。峰打趁出。既而民间讹传。官选童男女。师因问曰。忽有人来问和尚。讨童男女时如何。峰曰。我但度竹篦子与他。师于言下洞然。陆沉众中。人无知者。于是高峰书真赞。付之师曰。我相不思议。佛祖莫能视。独许不肖儿。得见半边鼻。且俾参徒诣师请益。众由此知归。及高峰将迁化。以大觉属师。师辞。推第一座主之。师自后往游皖山庐阜少林金陵。随处结幻住庵。学人丛聚。于仪真船居。朝廷闻师道风。赐佛慈圆照广慧禅师之号。一时王公驸马。莫不致礼。翰林承旨赵公孟俯。以师礼之。时问法要。有别传觉心。师说法无碍。有广录三十卷。行于世。赞曰。天目窟中真狮子儿 爪牙才露百兽奔驰 孤风凛凛法海洋洋 是故我师称法中王 。
