
Magic carpet

Is baseball the present craze?
And where did you put my red high-heel shoes
Where did you put my tights?

Did you see my purse?
Are you from Paris?

You, high-heel shoes, torturing my feet
You, tight jeans just want to caught men’s eyes
You, painted lips begging for kisses
All of you, all of you, go away

In secret sorrow, and sad pensiveness.

Put me in your magic carpet, carpet
What I have is loneliness and loveless
What I can offer you is a good memory

Carefree comfort...less

For your eyes delighted my morning
Come live with me and be my love
Pleasure proves, and melodious birds sing
A thousand nights inside an Arabian tent
Even for waned love

To love and not, to live or not
It is a question, a question, a question